Kolesov I. (Director of the "Sports and Event Management" State University of Management, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Kurin A. (Ph.D., Associate Professor, Tambov State University named RG Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation)
In an article in the conceptual framework of the methodology of pedagogy additional education, the process of formation of social activity of teenagers as an aspect of their social upbringing. Determined pedagogical essence of social activity of teenagers as a sustainable strategy for their social behavior, which is manifested in the conscious attitude to socially acceptable behavior and socially meaningful activities, the development of adult social roles that allow them to successfully adapt to society, to exercise its conversion, as well as self-improvement, based on the interests and values of society. The essence of the club's activities, which is a unique means of social education and has a significant potential in the formation of social activity of teenagers. The necessity of social and pedagogical, system-role, subject-activity and axiological approaches to the process of formation of social activity of teenagers by means of club activity. On the basis of defining the essence of the club's activities and analysis of these methodological approaches of an additional education pedagogy reveal the composition and content of the basic principles of the organization of the process of formation of social activity of teenagers in the club.
Keywords:Pedagogy of additional education, social education; teenagers; social activity; the formation of social activity; the potential of the club's activities.
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Citation link: Kolesov I. , Kurin A. Methodological approaches to the process of formation of social activity of teenagers club activities means // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№09. -С. 45-51 |