Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Creating the professional curriculum in the context of internationalization of higher education

Levchenko V. V.  (Samara National Research University)

Postnikova Е. V.  (Samara National Research University)

Dudovich D. L.  (Samara National Research University)

The article deals with the process of internationalization as a leading uptrend emphasizing global process enlargement in education nowadays. Internationalization is considered as a united system of education, interrelation and partnership of various educational systems all over the world. The aim of internationalization covers active introduction of international component into different functional spheres which include educational and research intercontinental projects as well as communication, specialization and cooperation under modern circumstances into active global environment at high school. This process takes place due to dynamically developing infrastructure, highly qualified specialists and mobility as its main features.

Keywords:internationalization, professional training context, educational and research project, highly qualified specialists, higher education, professional curriculum.


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Citation link:
Levchenko V. V., Postnikova Е. V., Dudovich D. L. Creating the professional curriculum in the context of internationalization of higher education // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№09. -С. 60-64
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