Kachalova Ludmila P. (Shadrinsk State Pedagogcal University)
Kolmogorova Irina V. (Shadrinsk State Pedagogcal University)
The current socio-economic situation states some new requirements the education system and the training of future professionals are to answer. This situation demands the higher education system to update the content, the methods, the structure and the organization of the educational process on the whole thus the future professionals are able to be creative in performing their duties as the society and the reality are constantly changing. In this context, the higher education system is to find some new ways to assess learning outcomes of students, to find some means that meet the criteria measuring the level any competence has been formed to. One of such means is some control-training activities, whose functional purpose is to improve the control function, as an important component of the educational process at the University.
Keywords:control function, control-training activities, functions of control-training activities.
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Citation link: Kachalova L. P., Kolmogorova I. V. The function characteristics of control-training activities // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№11. -С. 90-93 |