Gorshkova Irina V. (Senior Lecturer of the English Language Department, Lomonosov MSUBS)
Sharabarina Natalia E. (Head of the English Language Department, Lomonosov MSUBS)
The article describes Lomonosov MSUBS experience of developing the comprehensive ERS (Ethics/Responsibility/Sustainability) educational programme and its implementation while realizing the requirements of the state educational standard for Bachelor Management Programme. It also considers new organizational and methodological approaches of nurturing internal self-control of the personality in future managers through recognizing the ideas of business ethical and social responsibility, sustainable social development as an inner compass.
Keywords:comprehensive ERS educational programme, social responsibility of business, principles of CSR and sustainable development, PRME initiative.
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Citation link: Gorshkova I. V., Sharabarina N. E. Nurturing socially responsible and ethical managers (from the experience of Lomonosov MSUBS) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№11. -С. 69-74 |