Basta L. J. (Siberian state University of physical culture and sports Sibgufk)
Information on indicators of health, the general physical fitness of school students of 12-13 years is reflected in article.
Content of sports occupations of a variable part of the program for physical training at comprehensive school with teenagers on the basis of use of means of power fitness is presented.
Changes of indicators of high-speed and power abilities, speed, flexibility and power endurance are revealed. And also changes of somatic health of pupils control and experimental groups are shown.
Complex application of means of fitness at physical education classes with school students of 12-13 years authentically improves indicators of somatic health and physical fitness of the girls who are engaged during one educational quarter.
Keywords:Students, power fitness, stretching, somatic health.
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Citation link: Basta L. J. Efficiency of complex application of means of fitness, the lessons of physical culture with students of secondary school // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№01. -С. 61-64 |