Nazirova L. (PhD in pedagogy, Associate professor at Tadjik national university)
A teacher's cooperation-based approach towards students has become a criterion of readiness for professional teaching career. Reconstructional changes in the teacher's personality allow them to fully accept children as subjects of communication and establish interpersonal relationships. Psychic regulation of professional activities is quite complicated which is put down to the mode of serving people in the sphere of special pedagogics. This is one of the ways which should be overcome during professional training at university and afterwards.
Keywords:special pedagogics, teacher, mode of serving, teaching process, work efficiency, regulation.
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Citation link: Nazirova L. Model of a special school teacher: a psychological aspect // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№02. -С. 53-57 |