Karnaukhova Anastasia Alexandrovna (Senior teacher, Russian State Social University)
In European culture of Middle Ages, Revival of Learning and Modern period symbolic color figures take important part. They have common foundation that is Egyptian, Graeco-Roman and then Christian color figurativeness. Color paradigm of Catholicism, which dramatically influenced on F.G. Lorca’s, M. de Unamuno’s poetry is also very important for Spanish culture. F.G. Lorca and Miguel de Unamuno actively used color images, symbolizing Spain, for example, azure and green, gold of oranges, purple of roses, whiteness of jasmine and early snow. At the same time some color forms of Spanish poetry are connected with symbolics of colors in alchemistry of medieval Europe.
Keywords:Color symbolics, color figure, color paradigm, Catholicism, alchemistry, Graeco-Roman mythology
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Citation link: Karnaukhova A. A. Color symbolism in European culture // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№02. -С. 85-87 |