Antselevich Olga V. (Institute of Service, Tourism and Design ( branch) NCFU, Pyatigorsk, Russia)
The process of formation and development of intensive teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic universities involves the use of information technologies. The use of a computer in the process of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic universities makes it possible to compensate for the insufficient number of lecture hours and to facilitate the formation of all types of speech activity in the educational process, to increase the amount of time spent on independent work. The introduction of new information technologies in the educational process increases the motivation of the professional activity of students, the status of the studied language, allows them to master foreign professional communicative competence.
Keywords:information technologies, linear program, combined program, multimedia, computer training programs.
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Citation link: Antselevich O. V. The use of information technologies in teaching foreign languages in higher education // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№03. -С. 36-39 |