Barketova Marina Vladimirovna (graduate student, Saratov socio-economic institute of the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics)
The article considers the problem of finding modern methods and forms of assessment of competences of the bachelor in Russian universities as a factor of improving the quality of education. In line with the new educational paradigm analyses the experience of evaluation of educational achievements bachelors in European and American systems of higher education. An attempt is made to show possible ways and conditions of application of foreign experience to assess the competencies of bachelors in the universities of the Russian Federation taking into account the specific socio-economic and socio-cultural realities of Russian society.
Keywords:foreign experience, the paradigm of education, competence, competency, methods and forms of assessment of competencies, the quality of education, the universities of Russia.
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Citation link: Barketova M. V. The analysis of foreign experience evaluation competences of the bachelor: to improve the quality of education in Russian universities // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№03. -С. 40-43 |