Ovezova Umeda Akparovna (Candidate of Historical Sciences, RUDN University)
Wagner Monica-Natalia Laurensovna (Candidate of Historical Sciences, RUDN University)
Modern conditions for the development of society, when the Russian state builds a socially-oriented market economy, expands its spiritual space, predetermine the need for changes in vocational education. All this puts forward new requirements to the level of teaching in higher educational institutions by searching for innovative forms and methods of preparation: from the development and introduction into the curricula of new academic disciplines that correspond to the modern and prospective development of scientific thought, to the introduction of innovative teaching methods.
The article deals with the problem of introducing innovative teaching technologies into the higher school educational process. Particular attention is paid to information and communication and interactive learning technologies.
Keywords:higher school, innovative teaching technologies, information technologies of education, telecommunication technologies of training, method of concrete situations, PRES-formula, trainings, interview method, method of working in small groups, audiovisual method, business game; "Brainstorming", the method of projects, the method of creative search.
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Citation link: Ovezova U. A., Wagner M. L. The problem of introducing innovative technologies of training in the educational process of the higher education // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№03. -С. 70-74 |