Dostovalova Ekaterina Konstantinovna (graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State University
St. Petersburg
The specific lexis, that portraits the feminine and masculine linguistic images, was found. The gender-determined language is also expressed in syntax jf sentences. Polite forms, questions and exclamations are more typical for female speech, while imperative forms are a characteristic of male language.
The present research comments upon the changes in expressing the gender aspect in the job ads of 1920ies and studies the subtle gender wording and specific syntactical structures used as a gender filter for the modern job ads. This study proves the influence of gender bias on nowadays social image of Great Britain in the employment sector.
Keywords:gender aspect, job advertisements, discourse, pragmatics, masculine, feminine, lexis, syntax.
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Citation link: Dostovalova E. K. The gender dimension in the discourse of British announcements of employment // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№03. -С. 94-99 |