Stavruk Marina Aleksandrovna (Ph. D., Associate Professor,
BE HE "Surgut State University of KHMAO - Yugra"
Danylyuk Lyudmila Georgievna (Postgraduate student of BE HE "Surgut state University of KHMAO-Yugra")
The article highlights the teachers’ research activity in educational establishments. As far as new educational standards are concerned, the major role in teacher’s activity belongs to their professional preparation from the point of view of research competencies’ formation. The process of teachers’ preparation to research work plays the primary role under conditions of the new Federal educational standards. The formation of certain conditions in educational organizations makes this process to be successfully realized. The authors of the article share their cooperative activity experience with the teachers of educational organizations. The applied system of on-line webinars, medianars, the research activity’s preparation courses, organized by professors of the leading departments, in educational establishments, as well as, on the base of the university, is highly efficient under conditions of the new tasks in educational sphere.
Keywords:research activity, research competence, professional researcher, innovative development of educational organization
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Citation link: Stavruk M. A., Danylyuk L. G. Organization of research activities of teachers in the educational organization as a requirement of the new generation standards // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№04. -С. 47-49 |