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The communication skills shaping in the creative process

Kamshilova Anastasia Yur’evna  (doctoral student of the Moscow City State University)

In the article the author considers the process of communication skills shaping in the context of creative process. The aim of article is consideration and analysis of creative process as well as communication skills shaping during the creative process in the contemporary social and cultural sphere. For accomplishing the aim settee in the article the author solves the following issues: the consideration of systemically important creative process in its essence and its diverse basic frameworks; the definition of essential foundation of notions 'skills', 'communication' , communication skills' with their brief characteristics using different criterial principles; the establishment of structural and informative essence of notion 'communication skills shaping' in the creative process; the formulization of conclusions on the covered theme; the presentation of list of references.

Keywords:skills, communication, communication skills, shaping, communication skills shaping, process, creative activity, creative process


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Citation link:
Kamshilova A. Y. The communication skills shaping in the creative process // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№06. -С. 82-84
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