Preschool age is one of the most important periods in the process of development and formation of personality. At this age, formed the characteristic of the human physiological processes. For the full development of all qualities of the personality in this period requires timely and properly implemented education. In modern society, often belittled the role of education, there is the pursuit of the earliest possible receipt of a variety of knowledge and skills (reading, writing, counting, athletic and artistic achievements). However, this is lost in the richness of spiritual and moral development, which lays in the basis of all his later life. It is important to know the age peculiarities of not only physiology but also mental and spiritual life of the child. A special significant period of preschool age in the spiritual and moral education, in the development of key spiritual values in man. When organizing educational process accounting regularities and features of development of children allows parents and teachers to build it most effectively, to use appropriate for each age stage technologies, forms, methods of pedagogical work.
Keywords:moral and spiritual education, preschool age, public relations, psychology and child development, the process of education.