Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Method for information competency development of metallurgy engineering bachelors in the framework of “information services” course

Arnautov Aleksandr D.  (Senior teacher, Siberian Federal University)

Osipova Svetlana I.  (Full Professor in Pedagogy, Siberian Federal University)

The paper substantiates a productive method for development of information competency of bachelor students as a key competency in metallurgical engineering bachelor’s professional activity in the compliance with requirements of Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education and Worldwide CDIO Initiative, within the scope of modern information technology development. The novelty of the method is defined through its components renewing, which reshapes the organization of learning process of information competency development. The content component of the method is described as implementation of the “Information services” – a prolonged and distributed through the entire learning cycle, dynamically updated course, ensuring systematic, continuous and dynamic development of information competency, its integration and continuity in other courses of curriculum by solving information-technological problems. The technology component of the method for information competency development is implemented through facilitation of productive learning activities, including project activity of metallurgy engineering bachelor students using a complex of information-technological problems. The outcomes of the method are evaluated through dynamics of the components of information competency obtained by diagnostics apparatus using pre-defined criteria. The information competency is evaluated as both component-wise and as integral quality. The proposed method allows to increase the functionality level of information competency of metallurgy engineering bachelors in professional education.

Keywords:Informatization, information competency, productive method, prolongation and distribution, digital literacy, engineering education


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Citation link:
Arnautov A. D., Osipova S. I. Method for information competency development of metallurgy engineering bachelors in the framework of “information services” course // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№08. -С. 63-68
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