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Competency-Based Approach and Instrumental Competencies: the History of the Problem

Koval Elena Olegovna  (graduate student,Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin)

The article is a retrospective analysis of the competency-based approach creation and development in the USA according to the investigations of the American scholars. There is a comparison of the American and European classifications of competencies and of the role of instrumental competencies in the classifications mentioned above. The goal of the article was to make out what was the prerequisite of making the instrumental competencies a special claster, whether in was just a European phenomenon and the possibility of integration of the educational process basing on the different classifications of competencies inside the competency-dased approach. The investigation showed that American system of competencies carves out more special cases of instrumental competencies. It does not make a group of them but adds partially some of the instrumental competencies to the groups of its own classification. And it makes some difficulty in integration between American and European educational systems.

Keywords:competencies, competency-based approach, comparative method, instrumental competencies, TUNING project, competency model, Nacional Competency Base


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Citation link:
Koval E. O. Competency-Based Approach and Instrumental Competencies: the History of the Problem // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№08. -С. 86-91
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