Kozubovskaja Lyudmila Alexandrovna (Associate Professor of Perm National Research Polytechnical University)
Sentebova Elena Leonovna (Associate Professor of Perm National Research Polytechnical University)
Adult learners who want to get supplementary linguistic education have interest and motivation for the perfection of the language knowledge. But this group of learners has its own peculiarities which may happen to be both reserves and barriers in the process of teaching. The teacher should take into consideration these peculiarities creating comfortable psychological atmosphere and selecting teaching material that can make the teaching process more effective. Systematic organization of grammar material and student-centered approach to choosing the topics for discussion can solve this task.
Keywords:supplementary education, motivation, psychological and language barriers, psychological atmosphere, selecting teaching material, a short story, systematic teaching of grammar.
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Citation link: Kozubovskaja L. A., Sentebova E. L. Adults versus schoolchildren in teaching English // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№08. -С. 92-95 |