Bystrova Tatiana Evgenievna (International Slavic Institute, Moscow)
The article considers the issue of precedent and, in particular, case-names in the works of the Russian classic Anton Chekhov. In particular, we investigated the names of literary characters as precedent names in this little known to a wide circle of readers work by Chekhov as "Shards of Moscow life". This work represents the cycle of the early satires, written by a novice writer for the St. Petersburg humorous weekly "Shards". In this series of humorous anecdotes you can select these types of case names: the names of literary characters from Russian works of art, names of literary characters from foreign works, the names of the characters from Greek mythology.
Keywords:theory of precedentiality, Yu.N.Karaulov, precedent name, literary characters, V.V.Krasnykh, A. P. Chekhov, “Shards of Moscow life”.
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Citation link: Bystrova T. E. Names of literary characters as case names in the cycle of feuilletons by A.Chekhov “Shards of Moscow life” // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№09. -С. 103-105 |