Chen Lifang (St. Petersburg State University)
This work is devoted to the cognitive and pragmatic study of the dialogue in the Russian folk tale including the category of humor. The text of the fairy tale does not only organize language material of the specific content, but also expresses the speaker's attitude attitude to it with a variety of language means including humorous relation. The ways of creating the comic effect in dialogue used in a fairy tale are revealed.
Keywords:Russian folk tale, speech communication, dialogue in a fairy tale, pragmatic aspect, comic effect.
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Citation link: Chen L. Cognitive-pragmatic analysis of the comic effect in the dialogues of the Russian folk tale (on the example of fairy tales about animals) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№11. -С. 177-180 |