Aleksandrov Eugene Aleksandrovich (Graduate student, Russian State Social University (Moscow))
The article presents a historical study, whose purpose - to reveal the main problems in the functioning of the peasant communities in the Russian Empire. The article reflects the debatable issue in the scientific community about the benefits or harm of serfdom. It reflects the position of scholars such as S. M. Solovev, V. O. Klyuchevsky, N. A. Berdyaev, P. I. Smirnov, A. N. Polyakov, Karl Marx. Special attention is drawn to the problems of implementation of the peasant reform. Using statistics, highlighting the plight of the peasantry and the problems associated with the release of this situation.
Keywords:peasant community, serfdom, peasant reform, revolution of 1905-1907 years, revolution of 1917
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Citation link: Aleksandrov E. A. The meaning and value of agrarian Russia: the historical aspect // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№12. -С. 5-8 |