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Historical and geographical characteristics of the Bugulma district in the XVIII-XIX centuries

Mukhametdinova Alsu Hannanova  (candidate of historical Sciences, Kazan national research technological University, Bugulma)

The article presents the historical and geographical characteristics of the Bugulma district in the 18th-19th centuries. The role and significance of such natural factors as river, soil, forest, steppe in the history of the region were studied. The interrelation of nature and features of the historical development of the region is considered. On the Bugulma earth, the forest can be traced to the steppe. The harsh climate contributed to the formation of features of the lifestyle of the local population. The rivers influenced the division of folk labor according to natural conditions and the geographical distribution of the population. The historical boundaries of the Bugulma Uyezd in the structure of the Ufa province, Orenburg and Samara provinces are determined.

Keywords:historical and geographical characteristics, Bugulma district, rural municipality, administrative-territorial administration, post road, camp, Ufa province, Orenburg province, Samara province


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Citation link:
Mukhametdinova A. H. Historical and geographical characteristics of the Bugulma district in the XVIII-XIX centuries // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№12. -С. 40-43
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