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Creation of the competitive tourist product of sports orientation for the students having deviations in the state of health within import substitution

Shimansky Oscar Viktorovich  (teacher of department of physical training and health «Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration» (RANEPA))

Kolganova Elizabeth Yurevna  (candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of physical training and health "Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration" (RANEPA))

Zhurina Irina Ilyinichna  (senior teacher of department of physical training and health «Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration» (RANEPA))

Golushko Tatyana Viktorovna  (candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of physical training and health «Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration» (RANEPA))

Andropova Elena Mikhaelovna  (senior teacher of department of a technique of complex forms of physical culture «The Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism»)

Kutyin Ilya Viktorovich  (candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Institute of tourism and hospitality Institute of tourism and hospitality (Moscow), (branch) Russian the state university of tourism and service, Moscow, Russian Federation)

In article questions of improvement of the students having deviations in the state of health in the conditions of recreation camp are considered because students upon termination of academic year go on long summer vacation and miss two months of occupations improving physical culture that strongly affects loss of the results acquired for academic year, to weakening of a muscular tone and decline in quality of life during the summer period because of a hypodynamic way of life of modern youth

Keywords:sports camp, student's youth, limited opportunities, special medical group, import substitution, resort area, tourist product.


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Citation link:
Shimansky O. V., Kolganova E. Y., Zhurina I. I., Golushko T. V., Andropova E. M., Kutyin I. V. Creation of the competitive tourist product of sports orientation for the students having deviations in the state of health within import substitution // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2017. -№12. -С. 188-192
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