Zaitseva Irina (Bunin Yelets State University)
Merkulova Alena (Bunin Yelets State University)
The issue at stake here is the theoretical and practical analysis of the components of the project based technology in German linguodidactics. The article is concentrated on the requirements to the project method from viewpoint of German scientists. The authors bring into sharp focus the types of projects presented on the German educational website of the Goethe-Institute. The integrated analysis of educational - methodical sets used in foreign language education is carried out. Ways of implementing the project method German linguodidactics upon the example of the musical gymnasium in the town Wernigerode are being analyzed. Having conducted the analysis, we can’t but emphasize the fact that the project based technology is a burning issue of the day because projects contain problem-solving tasks and enable to introduce different methods of presenting the results of projects. The project based technology at the musical gymnasium in the town Wernigerode has been regarded as a complex system. It is implemented on a staged basis taking into consideration age-specific, psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of students.
Keywords:project based technology/project method in German linguodidactics, Internet-projects of the Goethe-Institute, problem-solving tasks, educational - methodical set.
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Citation link: Zaitseva I. , Merkulova A. The implementation of the project method in German linguodidactics upon the example of the musical gymnasium in the town Wernigerode (the district of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№01. -С. 68-74 |