Kurbanov I. A. (Candidate of Philology, Professor, The Surgut State University)
Baranova K. R. (Postgraduate of the The Surgut State University)
The aim of the article is to reveal author’s worldview and to show his relation towards the notion «NATION OF SLAKA IS A COMMUNIST SOCIETY». We are to show the pragmatics of the notion in the studying novel. The aim of the research is achieved due to the semantics and cognitive analysis which is based on the metaphor modeling approach. As the result of the metaphor modeling we can conclude that the author expresses his surprise and bewilderment to the communist society of Slaka due to the fact that the people and their habits differ from those they have in Great Britain. The pragmatics of the notion is to show the readers the difference between two cultures and how it influences people’s behavior.
Keywords:Metaphor, metaphor modeling, cognitive science, cognitive analysis, denotative area, nominative field.
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Citation link: Kurbanov I. A., Baranova K. R. Semantics and cognitive analysis of metaphorical model «NATION OF SLAKA IS A COMMUNIST SOCIETY» in novel «Rates of exchange» by Malcolm Bradbury and its translations into Russian and German // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№02. -С. 132-135 |