Sun Qiuhua (Doctor in "Chinese Language and Literature" from Heilongjiang University, re-searcher at the mobile post-doctoral stations, Ph.D of humanities, Associate Pro-fessor. The major research direction is translation and teaching of Russian as a foreign language. Unit: Russian Language Institute of Heilongjiang University)
This paper analyzes the interrelation of the conceptual picture of the world and national culture in the poetry of SergeiYesenin and Li Bai. Comparative analysis shows that Yesenin’s temperament is close to the "The Chinese style". Like Li Bai, he is distinguished for his generous nature, keen senses and romantic feel-ings. And the most surprising thing is that the two poets from different countries were thousands of years apart, and Yesenin had never been to China. It can be said that Li Bai's life and creation had some influence on the S.A.Yesenin. From Sergei Yesenin and Li Bai’s poetry words we can conclude the key coincidence of Russians and Chinese nationality: the longing for a harmonious, sincerity, dream of a world order and eternal life, as well as in thinking and action should have noble good wishes.
Keywords:interrelation; concept; picture of the world; national culture; poetry; Sergey Ye-senin; Li Bai
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Citation link: Sun Q. The interrelation of the conceptual picture of the world and national culture in the poetry of Sergei Yesenin and Li Bai // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№03. -С. 187-191 |