Shimko Elena Alekseevna (candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, Michurinsk State Agricultural University, Michurinsk)
article is devoted to studying of a national and cultural originality of paremiological units with key lexemes of «der Schwiegersohn» and «son-in-law» in comparative ethnolinguistic aspect. The research is conducted on material of the German and Russian languages. In work the method of cultural contrast allowing to reveal specifics, universality of paremias and to describe their role how they reflect features of mentality of the compared language communities is applied.
Keywords:ethnolinguistics, paremiological units, German and Russian languages, comparative analysis, cultural contrast, key lexemes of «der Schwiegersohn» and «son-in-law», national and cultural originality, kulturnospetsifichnost and universality.
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Citation link: Shimko E. A. Manifestation of the national and cultural originality in paremiological units with key lexemes of «der Schwiegersohn» and «son-in-law» in comparative ethnolinguistic aspect // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№03. -С. 209-214 |