Melikyan Tamara Amayak (Ph.D, associate professor of Shirak State University named after M.Nalbandyan )
In this article intertexual relations between the works by Pasternak and Pushkin are observed on the examples of the poems «The Gypsies» and «The Bronze Horseman» by Pushkin and the early poetic works by Pasternak. Pasternak’s series «The Theme with the variations» includes a large number of characters by Pushkin. In «The Gypsies» Pushkin speaks about the attempt of man’s return to the spontaneous primeval world, Pasternak repeats this idea in «The Theme with the variations» and writes about the malignity of returning to the nature and the revival of the low-lying wild instincts.
Keywords:intertexual relations, traditions, poems, poetic series, conventional world, reality, illusion, gypsy theme, poet, freedom.
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Citation link: Melikyan T. A. Intertexual relations of the poems «The Gypsies» and the «The Bronze Horseman» by Pushkin with the early poetic series by B.L.Pasternak // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№06. -С. 122-125 |