Kurbanov I. A. (Candidate of Philology, Professor, Surgut State University)
Baranova K. R. (Postgraduate student, Surgut State University)
The aim of the article is to observe the translation peculiarities of epithets from English into Russian and German. We are to reveal the stylistic aspects of the novels and to study the style of Malcolm Bradbury. The aim of the research is achieved due to the linguo-stylistic analysis of the epithets and their translations from English into Russian and German. As we discovered the epithets in the novels fulfill the aesthetic function and express the author’s attitude to different things in the text. The translation of epithets obliges translators to use different translation transformations.
Keywords:Epithet, translation transformation, change of grammatical and semantic forms, concretization, generalization, aesthetic function of the literary text, pragmatics.
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Citation link: Kurbanov I. A., Baranova K. R. Linguo-stylistic analysis of epithets in novels by M. Bradbury and their translations into Russian and German // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№06. -С. 102-106 |