Saharovskaya L. (Buryat State University)
Badmaeva N. (Buryat State University)
The functioning of the precedent text depends both on the type of discourse and on the position in the structure of the material. This article considers news television materials, plots, and headings, in which the main implications for the use of precedents are introductory sentences, headers and the main text. Precedent texts, having a cultural significance, are distinguished by emotional saturation and are repeatedly reproduced by representatives of the linguistic cultural community as ready-made intellectual and emotional blocks - stereotypes, samples, standards for comparison. The appeal to the culturally significant information in the headlines and introductory sentences of the announcer in the frame is a productive way of interaction between the addressee and the addressee of communication.
Keywords:precedent texts, headline, TV channel, media discourse
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Citation link: Saharovskaya L. , Badmaeva N. Precedent texts in the headlines of the regional TV channel // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№07. -С. 160-163 |