Borisova Elena Valentinovna (Teacher, Professional educational private institution "Crimean economical and legal college")
This article describes the problem of deforestation Crimean forests in 1917-1920 20th century, characterized the work of the woodworking industry in the period of establishment of Soviet power in the Crimea in November 1920, discusses the ways out of the crisis state of the industry, the role of the wood industry in the crisis period in-use fuel of own production, primarily the tree of the Crimean forests.
Keywords:Republic of Crimea, economic crisis of 1917-1920, deforestation, woodworking industry, woodworking enterprises.
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Citation link: Borisova E. V. The problem of cutting down the Crimean forests and the development of wood processing industry in the first years of the Soviet regime in the Crimea // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№07. -С. 13-18 |