Sarangov David Vladimirovich (Kalmyk state University named B.B. Gorodovikov)
Bovaev Nikolai Borisovich (Kalmyk state University named B.B. Gorodovikov)
Kalmyk emigrants, being as a result of the defeat of the White Movement in the Civil war abroad, continued to feel part of the Kalmyk people. They were actively engaged in activities in all spheres of civil life. One of the topics that occupied the Kalmyks in exile, it is a question of national unification. On this problem worked such scientific and cultural figures as D. E. Khara-Davan and S. B. Bayanov, B. B. Kurlanov and S. B. Balyk. We can say that this was one of the main topics that occupied the main minds of the Kalmyk emigration.
Keywords:Kalmyks, national unity, autonomy, emigration, the Union of the people, Arendzen Dadaevich Khara-Davan, the Basan Badminovich Kurlanov, Kalmyk Committee of cultural workers, Prague
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Citation link: Sarangov D. V., Bovaev N. B. The theme of national unification in the works of Kalmyk emigrants: E.D. Khara-Davan, B.B. Kushlynov // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№07. -С. 50-52 |