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Personal anthroponymicon: name transformation in email addresses

Podgornova Anna   (senior instructor, Far Eastern Federal University)

Rassokha Marina Nikolaevna  (candidate of science (philology), Far Eastern Federal University)

The paper addresses the impact of the digital era on personal anthroponymicons. The aim is to see what effect the presence of a digital dimension has for development of anthroponymic formulas of Russian language users. The data have been collected through a survey questionnaire administered to the first and second year students of Far Eastern Federal University and contain their email addresses. These have been modeled according to the anthroponymic information packaged in them and examined from the perspective of personal anthroponymicon development. The findings reveal current trends in including specific anthroponymic information in email addresses typical of a particular social group under study.

Keywords:personal anthroponymicon; anthroponymic information; questionnaire; email addresses; anthroponymic models.


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Citation link:
Podgornova A. , Rassokha M. N. Personal anthroponymicon: name transformation in email addresses // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№09. -С. 157-161
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