Kasymova Olga Pavlovna (Ph.D., Associate Professor, Bashkir State University)
Gong Lei (graduate student, Bashkir State University)
A comparative study of languages with different structures is of great theoretical and practical value at the time of intensive development of all-around contacts between nations, of strengthening relations between languages and their mutual influence. Thus, the research into the lexical semantic systems of compared languages presents special interest. The consideration of the features of semantic development of borrowings from the Chinese language in this article aims to make a picture of the inclusion of borrowings from the Chinese language in the associative, semantic and word-formation system of the Russian language.
Keywords:languages with different structures, lexical semantic system, language interaction, specific features, lexical means, semantics
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Citation link: Kasymova O. P., Gong L. Semantic development of the borrowings from Chinese into Russian // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№10. -С. 120-124 |