Ramazanova Marina Sharapudinovna (Associate Professor, Dagestan State Medical University)
Salamova Zaira Gadzhievna (Associate Professor, Dagestan State Medical University)
The article deals with the problem of translating a Latin textbook into English. The purpose of this discipline is the preparation of a terminologically competent physician. Describes the difficulties that arise when translating Latin into English, and some features of translating the pharmaceutical, anatomical and clinical dictionary into the language of the intermediary.
The author points to another rather significant problem that can become a stumbling block for an inexperienced translator who does not have sufficient knowledge in the field of medicine. This is the fact that some lexical units belonging to the category of commonly used can become terms in the medical context. Also, the peculiarities of the translation of medical terms are studied, the methods and methods most suitable for their translation into English are studied. Lexical and semantic features of medical terms in Russian and English are disclosed separately, and also contains a comparative analysis of these features in the declared languages. Difficulties in understanding and translation are sometimes abbreviations. Despite the availability of dictionaries of medical abbreviations, many abbreviations found in the medical text are of an accidental nature. Such abbreviations are not part of the dictionaries and represent a serious translation problem.
Keywords:foreign medical students, Latin language, English-language training, medical university, medical faculty.
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Citation link: Ramazanova M. S., Salamova Z. G. From the experience of work of teachers of Dagestan state medical university over creating a training manual for Latina for angeloring students // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№11. -С. 93-97 |