Kicheeva K. (Katanov Khakass State University (Abakan))
The article is devoted to the analysis of past tense with -(p) chatkhan in the Khakas language. It is revealed that the time expressed by this form is always relative. The language material shows that the form -(p) chatkhan is often accompanied by temporal concretizations, but can be used without indicating the time of the action, and expresses a certain imperfect. The values of the analytical forms of temporal (-(p)chatkhan poltyr, -(p)chatkhan polgan), aspect-temporal (-yp parchatkhan, -yp odyrchatchan, -yp turchatkhan, -yp chӧrchetken) and and modal-temporal (-(p)chatkhan polar) character with the use of the formant -(p)chatkhan are defined.
Keywords:Khakas language; past tense; imperfect, specific imperfect; temporality; analytical forms; procedurality; iteration; evidential imperfect.
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Citation link: Kicheeva K. Past tense with - (p) chathan in Khakas language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№12. -С. 158-161 |