Vyazova Olga Georgiyevna (Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, Chuvash state university of I.N. Ulyanov)
The changes happening in the dwelling of villagers of Chuvashia are investigated, reduction of the national and traditional moments in registration of an interior of the house is noted. Preservation of a big role of opinion of society in internal arrangement of dwellings is emphasized. The recommendations about preservation and further development of the national moments in rural housing construction of Chuvashia are offered.
Keywords:Household comfort, gasification, gas and oven heating, internal furniture of the house, the furnace, traditional and modern furniture, photoshow-windows, the national moments in rural housing construction of Chuvashia.
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Citation link: Vyazova O. G. Transformation of the dwelling of villagers Chuvashs in the second half of XX - the beginning of the 21st century // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№12/3. -С. 14-17 |