Khusikhanov Shamil Akhmedovich (graduate student, Ingush State University)
in article features of formation of a concept «food» in the Russian and German cultures are considered. The interpretation of this question in works of domestic and foreign scientists is given. Communication between language and the culture of the people in the context of the concept «food» is presented. The ratio between the concepts «mentality of the personality» and «ethnoculture» is designated. The analysis of national and cultural components of idiomatic unit is given.
Keywords:idiom, classification, idiomatic units, idiomatics, phraseological units, interpretation, ethnoculture, concept, culture, mentality.
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Citation link: Khusikhanov S. A. Problem of cross-cultural mutual understanding from the point sight of idiomatics (to a question of specifics of formation of a concept «food» in the Russian and German cultures) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№12. -С. 191-194 |