Olekhnovich Olga Georgievna (associate professor, Yekaterinburg, Urals State Medical University)
The phytonymic vocabulary of the 17 th century is a representative object. This lexical group becomes semantically mobile. Its boundaries are significantly expanded due to neologisms from the Latin language, as well as new syntactic structures, formed mainly on the basis of partitive phytonyms. This paper studies the processes associated with the formation and development of phytonymic vocabulary in the aspect of interlinguistic and intralinguistic denotative and semantic correlations. We investigated about 500 phytonyms with different denotative meanings. As a result of the analysis of the phytonymic field, the main semantic relationships between the phytonymic units were found, these are hyper-hyponymic, meronymic correlations, semantic derivation, synonymy.
Keywords:phytonymic vocabulary, denotative-semantic correlations
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Citation link: Olekhnovich O. G. Denotative-semantic correlations in the formation phytonymic vocabulary (on the example of the documents of the pharmaceutical order of the 17th century) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№12. -С. 174-179 |