Polyakova Elena Viktorovna (Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, RUDN)
Shchennikova Nina Viktorovna (Candidate of Philology, RUDN)
The great changes that have taken place in our country in recent years have profoundly influenced linguistics. Looking through the theme of modern linguistic works, you can see that in the field of view of linguists-Russian instead of the usual problems of phonetics and syntax, morphology and word formation fall topics , the development of which is designed to shed light on the active changes in the modern Russian language today. This article aims to examine the attributive values of language innovation.
The authors describe linguistic innovation as a form of communication, their attribute values (demonstrative, diffuse, modernity, language play). When writing the article, the authors analyzed the materials of the leading Russian linguists.
Keywords:linguistic culture, communication, communicant, linguistic innovation, modernity, demonstrative, diffuse, a language game.
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Citation link: Polyakova E. V., Shchennikova N. V. Structural components of language innovation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№06. -С. 153-156 |