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Class-number agreement in Lak language

Kakvaeva S. B.  (Dagestan State Medical University Makhachkala)

The article gives a brief description of the grammatical category of a class in the Lak language. The word classifying category of a class of names is reflected in other parts of speech as a formative negotiating category. It has its own characteristics as part of a sentence, being a component of the category of predicativeness. Coordination within an elementary proposal is in the form of coordination with nuclear members or orientation with non-nuclear members. In the composition of the attribute phrases, cool coordination may be accompanied by weak control.

Keywords:Lak language, grammatical class category, predicative and non-predicative connections, class-number agreement in sentence and phrase combination, coordination, orientation.


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Citation link:
Kakvaeva S. B. Class-number agreement in Lak language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№07. -С. 128-131
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