Makarenko Natalia Nikolaevna (Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute for International Relations)
Naumenko Natalia Evgenievna (Senior Lecturer, Moscow State Institute for International Relations)
The main purpose of the article is to substantiate the necessity of taking account of the basic factors when teaching intonation of a foreign language. It contains analysis of psychological, linguistic and pedagogical factors, based on which an optimal result is achieved. It analyses the following features of intonation: its physical properties and the structure of perceived qualities, the plan of thought in relation to the auditor, context, communication situation, degree of development of internal hearing, development level of auditory memory. It emphasizes the need to take into account the ratio of the intonation system of the native and foreign languages. It stresses the fact that learning foreign intonation requires a reasonable combination of synthetic imitation and analytical comprehension, provided the theoretical foundations must be given in comparison with the native language, which will allow avoiding unwanted interference in practice.
Keywords:speech process analyzers; acoustic-motor links; perceived speech quality; intonation-situational analysis; internal hearing; auditory memory; feedback
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Citation link: Makarenko N. N., Naumenko N. E. Specifics of teaching foreign language intonation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№08. -С. 72-78 |