Shi Yawai (post-graduate student of the Russian state pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen, St. Petersburg)
Samsonova Tatyana Petrovna (doctor of philosophy, PhD in art history, Professor, LSU named after Pushkin, St. Petersburg)
The article discusses the problem of piano intonation on the example of two outstanding Chinese pianists: Fu Cong and Li Yundi. The purpose of the article is to understand the concept of “intonation on the piano” and correlate it with representatives of the pianistic Chinese elite of our time. Attention is paid to the difference in the speech structures of the Slavic and Chinese speech, which is directly related to the concept of “intonation”. The article describes the term “intonation” and its practical implementation in the piano performance of Chinese pianists. In domestic and Chinese musicology this problem is touched for the first time.
Keywords:Piano, intonation, expressiveness, speech, music, competition, pianism
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Citation link: Shi Y. , Samsonova T. P. Chinese pianists are performers of Frederic Chopin in the musical space of Eurasia in terms of intonation sound // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№08. -С. 117-122 |