Kuznetsova Olga (candidate of philology, Irkutsk State University)
Karacheva Nadezhda (senior lecturer, Irkutsk State University)
Object: to analyzes the linguistic and sociocultural features of the American comic book movies, to identify the distinctive features of American super hero movies, as well as to describe the changes that have occurred in the images of the main characters and their socio-cultural preconditions.
Methods: the basis of the research is the following methods of linguistic analysis: contextual analysis, interpretation, direct monitoring, linguistic description.
Findings: The history of American comic books was studied and the main periods of this genre formation were singled out. Besides, the article deals with the methods of main hero description and his speech behavior.
Conclusions: Comic books can be considered one of the means to acquaint readers with sociocultural peculiarities of the country. It can contribute to formation of some definite cultural values, in particular by means of the main hero choice in the historical period. Both components of comic books (visual and textual) are essential for comic books understanding, special attention should be paid to the linguistic content of comic books.
Keywords:comic book; creolized texts; lexical unit; superhero; movie universe; culture
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Citation link: Kuznetsova O. , Karacheva N. Modern American comic book movies: linguistic and sociocultural potential // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№08. -С. 146-151 |