Журнал «Современная Наука»

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The concept “God” in the English language picture of the world

Huseynova E. Sh.  (Baku Slavic University)

This article is written on an interesting and relevant topic. In modern philological science there are quite a few studies in which certain concepts are subjected to linguistic analysis. There are a lot of them, and each of them has an individual set of specific properties of features and characteristics, as well as its own radius of action. The author of this article has chosen, on the one hand, the most important, that is, the “majestic” aspect, directly connected with “God”, a supernatural force. On the other hand, the article highlights the obviously little studied fragments of the English language picture of the world. At the beginning of the article, this concept is presented as an act of communication, which is of no small importance for native speakers in general. Further, the lexemes are revealed in detail, which are a kind of stimulator of the concept “God”. The work is enriched with individual comparisons of the present concept with a similar one in the Russian language picture of the world. In either case, they are presented as fragments. In certain positions, they converge in their key moments. In others, on the contrary, diverge. For the purpose of evidence, the author cites a number of characteristic examples in English. Thus, the author represents the main idea of the article: to show how some lexemes are the main formants of the concept “God” in modern English, what role they play in linguistic texts, what is their functional purpose. Sometimes the author points to the etymology of certain words, phrases, expressions, closely linking some concepts with others. Research, therefore, does not go in breadth, but in depth.

Keywords:God, deity, concept, constancy, integrity, unity, power, all-holder, kingdom, blessing


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Citation link:
Huseynova E. S. The concept “God” in the English language picture of the world // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№09. -С. 132-136
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