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Anzac training: what did Australian-New Zealand soldiers do by the Turkish coast

Borisevich Sergey Petrovich  (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Branch of Sochi State University in Anapa)

The article is devoted to the key stages of the creation of the Australian-New Zealand Army Corps, about which it is little known in Russia. However, in the countries that formed it, as you know, the volunteers who fought as part of the corps are national heroes, and the day the corps entered the fighting on April 25, 1915, is significant for the peoples of Australia and New Zealand as well as for the Russians Victory Day. The article discusses the features of the formation and preparation for military operations of ANZAK, the reasons and the nature of its use in the Gallipoli operation.

Keywords:ANZAC, World War I, Australian-New Zealand volunteers, breakthrough in the Dardanelles


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Citation link:
Borisevich S. P. Anzac training: what did Australian-New Zealand soldiers do by the Turkish coast // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№09. -С. 6-10
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