Glotkina A. A. (senior teacher of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University))
The article illustrates the analysis of the usage of modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (MOODLE) while studying a foreign language at non-linguistic universities. According to the scientific research, while educating future specialists there are special requirements imposed by non-philological programs for students of foreign languages. The analysis deals with the facts influencing the students' work in a modern learning environment. The author focuses on the pequliarities of students' motivation in a process of learning a foreign language at non-linguistic universities. The article demonstrates the factors of blendded learning elaboration and explanation of the reasons for the education system proliferation at Russian universities. The article dwells on the roots of this learning environment and characteristics enabling the spread of the educational platform. The principles of the system affirmed while launching the platform MOODLE are analyzed. This learning environment has been working for a number of years and the work with the platform has been changed drastically. The key principles which were the basement of MOODLE are being seriously breached while working with courses online. The examples of inefficient work for organizing the process of educating are highlighted.
Keywords:computer technologies, multimedia technologies, blended learning, MOODLE, activity approach, inividual approah, non-philological programs, foreign language teaching, foreign language for specific purposes, motivation
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Citation link: Glotkina A. A. Modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment and its soft spots as a tool to teach foreign languages // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№01. -С. 69-72 |