Kegeyan Svetlana (Sochi State University)
Kresova Natalia (Sochi State University)
Siganova Vladlena (Sochi State University)
This article is devoted to the study of the main genres of scientific discourse. Discourse is considered as a piece of text (written or oral), which represents a recognizable speech event. Popular science discourse is an independent type of discourse, having elements of other types of discourse (scientific, publicistic, conversational) as part of it, it exists at the intersection of scientific and naive pictures of the world. Orientation to the ordinary person and the specifics of presenting information depending on the language and way of thinking are characteristics of the naive picture of the world, the universality of the transmitted scientific concepts is a characteristic of the scientific picture of the world. A genre is considered as a set of rules for creating text, subject to which the finished text has the necessary characteristics
Keywords:scientific discourse, genre of a scientific article, compositional structure, classification criteria, discursive elements
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Citation link: Kegeyan S. , Kresova N. , Siganova V. The main genres of scientific discourse // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№11. -С. 136-139 |