Nelyubina Elena Georgievna (candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor, Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, Samara)
Panfilova Lyudmila Vladimirovna (doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, Samara)
The implementation of the competency-based approach in the Russian system of vocational education is determined by focusing on the basic principles of organizing a single European educational space in the framework of the Bologna and Copenhagen processes.
The problem is that at the present stage of development of higher pedagogical education there is a lack of modern educational and methodological literature and manuals in a number of disciplines in the list of FGOS VO.
Development of a theoretically substantiated and practice-oriented teaching and methodological support for the course “Modern Pedagogical Technologies for Chemistry Education” based on a modular competency approach as a means of forming professional competencies of students of pedagogical universities.
Results: the practical significance of the study is determined by the high level of preparedness of the results for implementation in pedagogical practice, since all design procedures are framed in teaching and methodological recommendations and can be used by organizers, methodologists, and teachers of the vocational education system to conduct classes on the course "Modern Pedagogical Technologies for Chemistry Education".
The developed modular educational program of the course "Modern Pedagogical Technologies for Chemistry Education" has been tested and used in organizing the training of bachelors studying in the field of preparation 44.03.05 Pedagogical education profiles: "Biology" and "Chemistry" (academic undergraduate).
Keywords:teaching methodology, student, training, technology
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Citation link: Nelyubina E. G., Panfilova L. V. Formation of professional competence of students by means of the course “modern pedagogical technologies of chemistry education” // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№11. -С. 94-99 |