Sinelnikov I. (Candidate of historical Sciences, associate professor, Ryazan branch of Moscow University of the MIA of Russia named after V.J. Kikot )
The article analyzes the methods of law enforcement agencies to combat state crimes in Russia of the early twentieth century. On the basis of archival sources the author carries out their research of activity in the Ryazan province, in particular activity of provincial gendarmerie management. The article considers measures aimed at preventing and combating state crimes. The analysis of criminal and political crimes in the Ryazan province is carried out, specific archival cases of state crimes are investigated.
Keywords:the history of the gendarmerie, provincial gendarmerie, state crimes
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Citation link: Sinelnikov I. Activities of law enforcement agencies to combat state crimes in the early twentieth century (on materials of the Ryazan province) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№12. -С. 21-23 |