Inevatkina Svetlana Evgenievna (Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after ME Evseyev, (Saransk))
Shlyapkina Tatyana Alexandrovna (Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after ME Evseyev, (Saransk))
The article raises the problem of creating conditions for the disclosure of the abilities of each child, including those with speech disorders. A set of diagnostic material is presented that will allow you to assess the level of development of preschool children. The criteria for analyzing the results are considered in detail. The results of the study of the level of cognitive, speech and emotional development in preschool children with speech impairments are described.
Keywords:preschoolers with speech impairment, cognitive processes, connected speech, emotional development
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Citation link: Inevatkina S. E., Shlyapkina T. A. Study of peculiarities of development of preschoolers with speech disorders // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№12. -С. 57-60 |